New Zealand's only baker of
Essene bread

Essene Bread

No added yeast
No added salt
No added sugar
No added oil
Simple nutritious organic ingredients
Essene bread is pure simplicity
You sprout the grain
Mash it and add water
Bake it.
It is that simple
It has been made since ancient times – some say 6000 years – and yet it still has many advantages for our modern times.
Many people who have allergies to wheat, yeast, and dairy find they are able to eat and enjoy Essene Bread.
The process of sprouting the grain rather than milling the grain into flour changes the enzyme structure. It becomes a 'living' food, not a dead food.
The enzymes aid your body in the digestive process.
Sprouting is a simple process but it has a huge effect on the grain. It makes indigestible grain easily digestible, flavoursome, alive and delicious.
The history of the Essene Community came to light with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls 40+ years ago.
The full scroll of how to make your daily bread was part of this archaeological find. The full text is in our page on the history.
Blood types
Readers of The Eat Right Diet by Dr. Peter D'Adamo will be aware that Essene bread is recommended for all blood types.
We now bake seven varieties:
Rye Essene Bread Cob
Rye Essene Bread Slice packs
Spelt Essene Bread Cob
Spelt Essene Bread Slice packs
Essene Spicy Slice packs (a modern sneaky healthy treat)

After more than 30 years of making Essene bread in New Zealand the Thomson family decided it was time to pass this on to someone else.
Rory & LeeAnn Hamilton from Health Support Naturally took on learning how to make the bread in 2018 carrying on this ancient tradition. They started the Essene Bakery on their rural property in the small town of Kaiwaka in Northland New Zealand.
Sadly in late 2022 they had to close. The critical ingredients for one of their core breads was no longer available. So many people were emailing and phoning to say how sad they were at not being able to buy the bread anymore that they decided to do a tutorial and teach people how to make good quality Essene bread at home.
If you would like to learn how to make this amazing bread then click across to our sister site where you will find the link to our online course. It can be done in your own time and Rory and LeeAnn will always be available to answer questions and concerns.